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More work, same pay? Start with STOP

I have heard of many examples of employees being asked to take on substantially more responsibility without the benefit of a raise, formal promotion or even change in title resulting feelings are of stress and uncertainty. Your immediate concern needs to be managing your stress.

The Five Harsh Truths About Micromanagers

If you've worked for a micromanager or if you have a little bit of the tendency yourself, there are a few truths that will help you overcome the obstacles associated with micromanaging.

Honestly… Do you deserve a promotion?

The first step to getting promoted is making up your own mind that it's something that you want, then developing a plan to get there. This article can help get in the right mindset and lay the foundation for advancement.

Overcoming the Superhero syndrome at work

Don't let "superhero syndrome" stand in the way of your career progression. Start valuing yourself and stop over-performing, learn to say no and set boundaries. Move ahead with less stress.

Career Curb-Appeal: Job Search Lessons from HGTV

Job search can be difficult and competitive. Your chances of landing a job more quickly can be increased greatly if you pay attention to your "career curb appeal." I share job search tips in this article.

What great opportunities are you overlooking?

Sometimes we miss great opportunities because it shows up looking differently than what we'd imagined. It can be helpful to step back and see the whole picture sometimes so you understand you goals in the larger context.

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