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What great opportunities are you overlooking?

Sometimes we miss great opportunities because it shows up looking differently than what we'd imagined. It can be helpful to step back and see the whole picture sometimes so you understand you goals in the larger context.

Can a lowly tomato really make you productive?

The pomodoro is a time management technique that can help you be more productive in 25-minute sprints. It's great for shiny object people or those who are easily distracted to maintain focus and get things done.

How I learned to live happily with my gremlin, Ralph

I call that little voice in your head that sometimes says mean things to you a gremlin. The gremlin can be very annoying but it's job is to keep you safe at all costs even if it makes you unhappy. Here are a few tips on how to make friends with your gremlin so you can stay safe and happy!

Need a New Resume? Give This Free Service a Try

When you're in job search, a big obstacle to getting started can be the need to create or update a resume. Technology is making that easier. The Resume Builder tool can help you have a great resume in minutes.

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